Quick IELTS Reading exercises - T / F / NG # 5

Read the following passage:
Buttons and button-like objects (originally used as ornaments or seals rather than fasteners) had been discovered in the Indus Valley Civilization during its Kot Yaman phase (c. 2800–2600 BC), as well as in the Bronze Age sites in China (c. 2000–1500 BC), and in Ancient Rome. Buttons made from seashell were used in the Indus Valley Civilization for ornamental purposes by 2000 BC. Some buttons were carved into geometric shapes and had holes pierced into them so that they could be attached to clothing with thread. Ian McNeil, editor of An encyclopaedia of the history of technology (1990), holds that: "The button, in fact, was originally used more as an ornament than as a fastening, the earliest known being found at Mohenjo-daro in the Indus Valley. It was made of a curved shell then, and it is about 5000 years old.” Functional buttons with buttonholes for fastening or closing clothes appeared first in Germany in the 13th century. They soon became widespread with the rise of snug-fitting garments in 13th- and 14th-century Europe.

Read the sentence and mark if it is
TRUE                   the statement should agree with the information
FALSE                  the statement should contradict the information
NOT GIVEN       there should be no information about this

1.     The initial use of buttons was for affixing two items to each other.
2.     Ian McNeil wrote a book on Mohenjo-daro and the Indus Valley.
3.     Buttons with buttonholes became famous in Europe, then in Germany.
Type your answers in the comments below.

Note: The answer and explanation to this exercise shall be updated in the comments.
Quick IELTS Reading exercises - T / F / NG # 5 Quick IELTS Reading exercises - T / F / NG # 5 Reviewed by Devanshi on September 04, 2018 Rating: 5



    1. False – 1st Line (Buttons and button-like objects (originally used as ornaments or seals rather than fasteners).....

    2. Not Given – It is given that Ian McNeil is editor of An encyclopaedia of the history of technology, which mentions Mohenjo-daro in it, but it isn’t specifically mentioned anywhere that he wrote a book about Mohenjo-daro.

    3. False – Last 4 lines (Functional buttons with buttonholes for fastening or closing clothes appeared first in Germany in the 13th century. They soon became widespread with the rise of snug-fitting garments in 13th- and 14th-century Europe.)


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