IELTS Essay # 85 - It’s good to have English as a global language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your reasons and include relevant examples from your own experience.

Essay # 85

It’s good to have English as a global language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your reasons and include relevant examples from your own experience.

Many countries around the world have English as one of the main languages of communication. Since globalization is increasing, having a common global language is very accommodating for everyone. This essay shall further justify why it is good to have English as a general language of communication.

People often call English the international language of business, and it’s increasingly true as international trade expands every year, bringing new countries into contact. Statistically too, there are more than 50 English speaking countries in the world already, native and non-native. Most multinational companies require a certain degree of English proficiency from potential employees so in order to get a position with a top company, more and people are learning English. Much of the technical terminology is also based on English words, so if you want to learn about the latest developments and discoveries from around the world, they’ll be in journals and research reports published in English, no matter where the researcher is from.

English also opens doors in the academic world. Many of the best institutions in the world teach in English, so knowing it well gives you the opportunity to get the best training and credentials. Studying and teaching, attending international conferences and publishing in foreign journals are some of the key steps to success in academia. In order to speak at these conferences or publish in these journals, excellent English is essential. Moreover, most information on the internet is in English, thereby proving again the significance of learning English.

Therefore, I agree that English as a global language is a good idea. In fact, it has already emerged as one and is being welcomed by people as the international language in the world.

(284 words)
IELTS Essay # 85 - It’s good to have English as a global language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your reasons and include relevant examples from your own experience. IELTS Essay # 85 - It’s good to have English as a global language. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your reasons and include relevant examples from your own experience. Reviewed by Devanshi on November 11, 2016 Rating: 5

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