IELTS Essay # 64 - Many people believe that schools should teach students good behavior as well as other subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Essay # 64
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Many people believe that schools should teach students good behavior as well as other subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Schools are responsible for a child’s overall fundamental development. As behavioural education is as important as academic growth, therefore going by this notion, both should be emphasized upon students by the teachers at school level, preferably in the form of a subject.

The two places where a child would grasp the maximum knowledge are his home and his school. The family members usually teach children about behavioural patterns and social interactions, but the school provides a more nourishing environment in this regard. A child would also get to observe other children in the school, and if he is taught the difference between good behaviour and bad, he would learn to decide the wrongs and rights himself.

Subjects like moral science are ethics are helpful in teaching children about the moral values like honesty, loyalty and generosity, and civic sense regarding public etiquettes, maintaining the decorum of places like an office or a public place like gardens. Additionally, a teacher being skilled with teaching a group, will have better explanatory and oratory skills, and so can explain the importance of these conducts more effectively than parents.

The reason why parents cannot be as effective sometimes is because certain behavioural patterns are themselves being followed wrongly in the households. For example, children observe certain acts of their family like talking in a loud tone, spitting on roads, being late for work and so on. Resultantly, they too might pick all these things up. This is why behavioural studies should be handled by school teachers as well.

In conclusion, I’d say that a teacher would help inculcate good manners in children and also help correct any wrong ones that the child may have picked on. Therefore, schools along with other subjects should also teach good behaviour.

(293 words)
IELTS Essay # 64 - Many people believe that schools should teach students good behavior as well as other subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? IELTS Essay # 64 - Many people believe that schools should teach students good behavior as well as other subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Reviewed by Devanshi on July 23, 2016 Rating: 5


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