IELTS Letter # 2 - You recently saw a job advertisement for a tour guide, to show your local area and its attractions to English-speaking tourists. Write a letter to a tourist agency. IELTS Letter # 2 - You recently saw a job advertisement for a tour guide, to show your local area and its attractions to English-speaking tourists.  Write a letter to a tourist agency. Reviewed by Devanshi on January 15, 2016 Rating: 5
IELTS Letter # 1 - A builder did some repairs in your house recently and you are unhappy with their quality. Write a letter to the builder’s manager. IELTS Letter # 1 - A builder did some repairs in your house recently and you are unhappy with their quality. Write a letter to the builder’s manager. Reviewed by Devanshi on January 15, 2016 Rating: 5

Word of the day - Coax

Coax [pron.: koaks] (verb) 1. persuade/manipulate someone carefully and slowly into doing something synonyms : tempt, lure, persua...
- January 15, 2016
Word of the day - Coax Word of the day - Coax Reviewed by Devanshi on January 15, 2016 Rating: 5

Word of the day - Squeamish

Squeamish [pron.: skwee-mish] (adjective) squeamishly (adverb) squeamishness (noun) ·         easily made to feel sick or ...
- January 14, 2016
Word of the day - Squeamish Word of the day - Squeamish Reviewed by Devanshi on January 14, 2016 Rating: 5
Word stress - Yes! It is important. Word stress - Yes! It is important. Reviewed by Devanshi on January 13, 2016 Rating: 5
Word of the day - Eclectic Word of the day - Eclectic Reviewed by Devanshi on January 13, 2016 Rating: 5
IELTS Graph # 1 - The diagram shows the steps for manufacturing yogurt.... IELTS Graph # 1 - The diagram shows the steps for manufacturing yogurt.... Reviewed by Devanshi on January 12, 2016 Rating: 5
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