Idiom of the day - Pull yourself together / Pull yourself up

PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER / UP: to become calm and behave normally; to regain control over your emotions

Eg.: She was so angry at her that she couldn't pull himself together, and started shouting in front of everyone.
Eg.: Whatever had to happen has happened. Now, pull yourself together and get over your breakup.
Eg.: Roger has really pulled himself up after he got fired from his job last year. He now runs a small consultancy.
Eg.: Pulling yourself together is the best thing you can do in these hard times. You have to be the support of your family after your father's death.
Idiom of the day - Pull yourself together / Pull yourself up Idiom of the day - Pull yourself together / Pull yourself up Reviewed by Devanshi on January 21, 2016 Rating: 5

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