"I before E,
except after C" is a mnemonic rule of
thumb for English spelling. If one is unsure whether a word is
spelled with the sequence ei or ie, the rhyme
suggests that the correct order is ie unless the preceding
letter is c, in which case it is ei. For example:
ie in believe, fierce, collie, die, friend
ei after c in deceive, ceiling, receipt, ceilidh
This rule, like many
other English grammar rules, also has many common exceptions; for example:
ie after c: species, science, sufficient
ei not
preceded by c: seize, weird, vein, their, foreign, feisty, heist
The rule only applies when the sound represented is ‘ee’,
though. It doesn’t apply to words like science or efficient, in which
the –ie- combination does follow the letter c but isn’t pronounced ‘ee’.
Neither does the rule apply to any word
without the ‘ee’ sound, even when
there is no c involved.
For example:
not pronounced ee: beige,
feign, foreign, forfeit, height, neighbour, vein, weight
There are a few exceptions to the general i before e rule, even when the sound is ‘ee’.
Examples include seize, weird, and caffeine.
There’s nothing for it but to learn how to spell these words, checking in a
dictionary until
you are sure about them.
I before E except after C
Reviewed by Devanshi
March 18, 2016
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