Test # 15
- What is your full name?
- What is your full name?
My name is Ishani Dave.
- Can I see your ID?
Yes sure!
- Where are you from?
I’m from Ahmedabad, in Gujarat.
- Do you work or study?
I work right now. I have just completed my
bachelors in fashion designing, before 2 months.
- What kind of work do you do?
I am doing an internship currently at a
boutique in my city. I supervise the tailoring workshop, along with learning
about how to work with fabrics and measurements and all such stuff.
- Do you like shopping?
Yes I love shopping!! I think it is kind
of a therapy for me, because whenever I feel low, I resort to go to a mall of a
superstore to window shop. And if I’m shopping, the day is a very bright one
for me.
- How often do you go shopping? Why?
I go whenever I
feel like. I think 2-3 times a month…I don’t buy always though, I also like to
go to just check out the new arrivals or offers or anything.
Cue Card 1
Describe a situation where you had to stop doing
something because of bad weather. Please say
- What was the situation?
- When and where did it take place?
- Why did you decide to stop?
This happened last year in the summers. It
was a friend’s birthday and we had decided to meet for lunch. I was in-charge
of getting the cake, which I did, but unfortunately my car broke down the
previous day and had to be sent for repairs. So I was left with the option of
going in a rickshaw or on my two-wheeler. As the day was a little cloudy, I
decided to go on my own vehicle only and hung the bag of the cake on the hook near
my feet. A few minutes on the way and it started to drizzle. I was very surprised
at the possibility of even a drizzle in the month of April. But a couple of
minutes later big fat raindrops started falling down and I panicked. I was so afraid
that I’d get the cake wet, I immediately stopped on the side of the road under
a big tree. It wasn’t doing much good though and I was more worried about the
birthday cake than myself, so I called one of my friends to come and pick me up.
I was waiting until the time he came, cursing myself to not have chosen to come
by a rickshaw. I tried to hide the bag with my jacket as much as possible. My
friend came 10 minutes later and I kept the cake in his car, parked my scooty
properly again, and then we set off for the restaurant.
Cue Card 2
Talk about an item you purchased recently. Please say
- What is it?
- Where did you purchase it?
- What do you use it for?
I recently bought a shirt for myself from
a very famous chain of retail stores in India named Pantaloons. There was a new
summer collection that had arrived at the store so I went to check it out. All
the clothes were in pastel colours and light shades, and in fabrics of cotton
and linen that are very easy to wear in summers. I bought a nice pistachio
green colored shirt of a reputed brand and the cost was befitting my pocket too.
I wore it the first time, to dinner with my family and everyone liked the style
and appreciated my purchase. I have worn it quite a few times now.
- How often do you use this item?
Very often! Since it is a summer colour
and style I wish to wear it to my heart’s content in this season only. I’d
probably wear it only at home when it gets a little old.
- Do you still like it?
As of right now I do. I haven’t seen anyone
else wearing that type of clothing so I feel happy I have a distinguished shirt
in my wardrobe.
- Would you recommend it to your friends?
Yes I would! In fact I already did when
they asked me about it the time I wore it to meet them.
#15 - IELTS Speaking test in Qatar and Kuwait – April 2016
Reviewed by Devanshi
May 04, 2016
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